Hunger strike of teachers continues in DAV College demanding revised pay scale, getting huge support

CHANDIGARH: The chain hunger strike at DAV College, Chandigarh in support of their demand for the implementation of the revised pay scales as per the recommendations of the 7th Central pay Commission, notified by the Government of India (due since 1st January 2016) and revocation of the delinking of teachers’ payscales from University Grants Commission (UGC) entered its 2nd day today. The volunteers in the chain fast today were Dr. Jagdish Mehta (Senator, PU), Dr. Sakoon N. Singh, Dr. Pramod Bhargava, Dr. Kriti Kuthiala Kalia, Dr. Bibek Bhuyan, and Prof. Bhushan Kumar. The chain fast has been started in solidarity with Dr. H. S. Kingra (President, PFUCTO), who is sitting on fast-unto-death since 1st December 2021 at Panjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana.

Multiple representations to the state govt. and the UT administration, by the huge teachers’ workforce employed in the State regarding the same, have gone unheeded so far. As a result, teachers are forced to be content with the payscales last revised in 2006 i.e., 15 years ago! Left with no other alternative, the teachers started total cease work agitation on Dec 1st, 2021 after a series of sustained civil protests since August 2021. Even after candlelight March was taken out at Chandigarh on 17th Nov 2021, and more than 150 teachers courted arrest on 30th Nov 2021 the powers that be have remained unmoved about the just cause.

The ongoing agitation of the aggrieved teachers is being supported by the Principals and Teachers association of the Govt. Colleges of Punjab as well as the students belonging to the universities and colleges in the state.

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